

  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – (world view) — — — — — — — — — — — — — —     1. Being and nothingness According to Scripture, God is not a fiction and indeed there is, and all that we see, and what not to see, really exists, and is not the subject of our imagination. This is indicated by the existence of many languages, the verb "to be" in the present tense [ Ich bin (German), Je sui (Franch), I am (English), Я є (in Ukrainian) ] I Am the alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Revelation 22.13 We live and move and exist. Acts 17.28 NOTHINGNESS   -   is the place where is something that does not exist. So cone the other world's applications, which do not actually exist, as there was no horizon (an imaginary line between the sky and ground). In sheol *, wherever you go, no work, no reflections, nor knowledge, nor wisdom. Ecclesiastes 9.10 * Note. Sheol (Hebrew) - nothingness. Related terms: grave, hell, tart...


  BASIS FOR THE REFORM OF HEALTH, OR CARE REFORM     Main principles:   1. Right nutrition 2. Sunlight 3. Fresh air 4. Water 5. Exercise 6. Abstinence 7. Rest 8. Belief in God   Detail:   1. The basics of nutrition - vegetable, meat of unclean animals, less fat and more carbohydrates (80% of the diet), avoid overeating. Eat regularly, no snacking in between the techniques of food. Note: Diet of a person depends on the type of occupation-physical or mental labour. 2. Being in the Sun. 15 minutes a day is enough for a daily requirement of vitamin D. Desirable smooth, mild sunburn. The Sun's rays must penetrate into the room. 3. Being in the fresh air, the better. Thoroughly ventilate. 4. Follow the rules of personal hygiene, it is desirable to shower more often. Drink more pure soft water (8-12 glasses a day depending on the weight of the person). Between food and drinking water to break 2 hours after food was di...


  The Scriptures ... They show Me (John 5.39).   Waiting for the Messiah, or Christ is one of the central themes of the Bible. These were all generations of people, from Adam and Eve. When they had their first son, Cain, they thought it was and is the Messiah (“Patriarchs and prophets "). Enoch prophesied about him. Even he was fully shown in the vision (Ibid., Judah 14-15). The Redeemer who will resurrect the dead, believed Job   -   Job 19.25-27a . Moses and all the prophets have said about him. So it was until his arrival. Jews await him until now. They believe that he is coming, will draw all people to the truth and will build on the Earth realm of goodness and well-being.   So who is he, the Messiah, or Christ? Different people on this account, there is no consensus. Thousands of them. Some will declare themselves. But how can you determine this? The biologists have a method: based on the full set of the many signs (shape, color, s...